beat your momma
Your momma so sad
She cries at stand-up comedy
and drinks until she can’t stand up
Your momma so sick
Her momma dragged her by her hair down the stairs out of where she had any hope of life without lithium
Your momma so lonely
She had you because
she could not afford a dog
and she wanted someone to love her
Like your daddy wouldn’t:
One traditional nuclear unit she pushed out and soon it decayed and went boom it was never safe from her decisions
Fuckups made with such precision
They say your daddy never recovered from your bloody severed mother
you should have seen him
before she left him
what a man he was
but oh man, I bet he wasn’t.
Your mama so scared
She can’t even sleep
She haunts the house
and waits for you to come home from other beds with other bitches who don’t love you like she loves you because they never made you now did they
She lines your pockets with pounds so you drown in the slow-moving shallows of your pale and plodding and predictable life
(She would have your babies herself
if she could get away with it)
Your momma love you so much
It gonna kill you